Tuesday, 14 April 2015

How MemSQL is unique

MemSQL is High performance in-memory database with unique features like:

  1.  MemSQL in-memory data nodes regularly commit transactions to disk as logs. thus we have advantage to have two copy of dataset per node. One on disk and other on in-memory. hence it delivers results at high speed beating latency that results from reading and writing to disk without any risk of data loss.
  2. MemSQL provides lock free transaction so read do not block writes and write do not block read.
  3. Provides two tiered architecture. Aggrgators(Master & Child) to accept requests from client and gather information and deliver to them and the nodes which acts as data storage and free for data storage only called leaf.
  4. Advantage of keeping database tables in two architecture. Distributed table  that have million of records which is sharded across nodes and reference tables which may have relatively small set of records and can be store on all leaves..

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